For We Are His Workmanship, Created in Christ Jesus to do Good Works. Eph 2:10
Cutting Boards & Charcuteries
All Cutting Boards Are Not Equal!
There is a difference between End grain, Face grain and Edge grain cutting boards.
So what's the difference?
End grain cutting boards are often considered the superior option due to their knife-friendly surface and resistance to deep cuts. However, they can be more costly due to the construction process.
Face grain / Edge grain cutting boards show more of the grain pattern and are the most striking in appearance. They are still a wise option and can be a more affordable choice.
See article at bottom of next page for more information on how cutting boards are made.
The Helical Weave

The Czechen Flame

Cutting Boards & Charcuteries
End grain Cutting Boards

This End grain cutting board is made from Walnut, Purple Heart, Paduk, and Maple. Designed and Handcrafted by Johnna McKinnon 2024

This End grain cutting board is made from Walnut, Purple Heart, Paduk, and Maple, and features the Feldthouse Helical Weave (designed by Ryan Feldthouse - feldthousefamilywoodworks) Handcrafted by Johnna McKinnnon and Sonya Urff 2024.
Face grain / Edge grain Cutting Boards & Charcuteries

This Edge grain cutting board is made from Sapele, Cherry, Wenge, Purple Heart and Maple, and features a nice big juice groove. Designed and Handcrafted by Johnna McKinnon 2024

This Edge grain cutting board is made from Sapele, Wenge and Maple, and features a nice big juice groove. Designed and Handcrafted by Johnna McKinnon 2024

The Czechen Flame! This Charcuterie Board is a combination Edge grain and Face grain. It is made primarily of Paduk, Purple Heart, Maple, and thin strips of Wenge, with the center section featuring the unique Czechen flame. (A unique occurrence within the Czechen grain pattern.)
Designed and Handcrafted by Johnna McKinnon 2024

This Face grain Charcuterie is made from Sapele, Maple, and Wenge, and features a nice stout handle for transporting your presentation to its desired location. Designed and Handcrafted by Johnna McKinnon 2024

This face grain cutting board is made from Walnut, Cherry, Osage, and Purple Heart, and features customer specific engraving and a nice big juice groove. Designed and Handcrafted by Johnna McKinnon 2024
Blog Post by Roberto Lema July 2, 2021

The best way to understand the differences are to consider the “grain” in any piece of wood. Any piece of lumber that woodworkers use has three surfaces that we refer to as 1) face grain, 2) edge grain and 3) end grain. The face grain is what you’d normally see on the “outside” of the board. It’s where you see most of the grain and beauty of a piece of wood. Woodworkers typically use the face grain to make table tops or panels that you might see on cupboard doors. Edge grain is the “side” of the board. It’s usually the side that woodworkers measure the “thickness” of a board. Finally, end grain is the end of the board.
Face grain cutting boards are made by gluing the edges of narrow boards of wood together. Edge grain boards are made by gluing the faces of strips of wood so that the edge grain side is now exposed as the cutting surface of the cutting board. End grain boards are made by cutting the piece of lumber into blocks, and gluing the blocks together with the end grain up, forming the top surface of the cutting board.
For the full artical go to: https://lesecrafts.com/blogs/news/differences-between-edge-grain-vs-end-grain-cutting-boards
If you are interested in ordering a custom-made Cutting Board or Charcuterie for your personal collection, or that perfect gift for someone else, please contact me for pricing and delivery by filling out the contact form below. Please be sure to specify what item you are interested in.